20 Tishri 5785 / Chol Hamoed

David Greve

כ תשרי ה'תשפ''ה / חול המועד

Jugend Forscht (a German research competition for youths)

Software for a wheeltable/wheelchair control via WLAN with optional application of a robot arm

Received a regional win (Altensteig 2008, region Nordschwarzwald, category Arbeitswelt)

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Video of the competition

People become older and older. Because of the problems arising from that, people will have to switch to technical solutions in the long run because there won't be enough people to care for the older people. Vehicles, which can transport people with a minimum of application of people, will become more and more important in the future.

Because of these reasons, I've developed a software based on a wheelchair, that can also be easily altered to a wheeltable with a robot arm, which the wheelchair can automatically controlled with. You can manually navigate the wheeltable/-chair right, left, forward and backward by pressing buttons or you can also let the wheeltable/-chair go to a defined location indepently at a specific time. The PC can be at standby state until driving, too.

The positioning of the wheeltable/-chair happens with the aid of barcodes. My software can create and print special barcodes in a specific arrangment. For the manual control, I've developed a computer program for Pocket PC. The robot arm can be controlled manually via WLAN. On the wheeltable/-chair there are, among other things, two webcams and two distance sensors which are controlled by my software, too.

Barcode Keyboards

A barcode keyboard linked with tactile letters can help with the first communication with adult deaf-blind persons. They can be applicated in countries which you can't afford money for a special keyboard in, too, because the creation of barcodes is very low-cost.

The barcode keyboard can be created from various materials (e.g. cardboard, paper, plastics, metal or wood) because barcodes can be also printed on labels. Paper can be laminated, too.

Consequently, my barcode keyboard is the last component in a complete system for the first communication with deaf-blind persons.

With this system a much simpler system than lormen or braille is available. Many concerned people become deaf-blind when they're very old and aren't able to lern complicated systems like lormen or braille then.

You can read more about Barcode Keyboards at https://www.david-greve.de/deafblind-keyboards/index-en.html

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